Carlson Cares for the Community

Carlson is a caring company, and we bring this sense of care not only to our clients, but to our community as well. We have enjoyed tremendous success over the years, and we are honoured to be able to support our community and many of its worthy philanthropic organizations.

Carlson Construction believes in supporting society and its many worthy humanitarian organizations. Over the years, we have acted upon this important philosophy with generous philanthropic donations to organizations such as those listed below. Annually, in the spirit of collaboration and teamwork that are the hallmarks of our company, Carlson polls our staff members for ideas on how they would like to support the community in the coming months. This allows Carlson to incorporate new organizations into its program and to ensure that the company’s giving reflects the wishes of our full team.

Please allow us to introduce you to just a few of the organizations we’ve supported:

  • YESS
  • Stollery Children’s Hospital
  • Edmonton Opera
  • Lawson School
  • Glenrose Foundation
  • 630 CHED Santas Anonymous
  • Run for the Cure (Canadian Cancer Society)
  • Yudanshakai Judo Club
  • BDC Annual Charity Golf Tournament
  • Autism Society & Opening Doors for Autism Gala
  • University Hospital Foundation
  • Boys and Girls Club
  • Merit Annual Dinner and Awards
  • Ronald McDonald House Alberta